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Ltv 950
Philips Trilogy 100


Portable ventilators blow air, sometimes with extra oxygen, into the lungs of a person experiencing difficulty breathing. This is done by inserting a breathing tube into the windpipe (also known as the trachea) of the patient. This pipe allows air into the lungs, bypassing the vocal cords in the process. In a process known as intubation, the tube is first inserted into the trachea via the throat or nose, and a ventilator is hooked up that breathes for the patient. Intubation is especially useful for patients who are experiencing an illness or medical emergency, but who are expected to make a relatively fast recovery.
These ventilators offer mixed modes to provide continuous or intermittent ventilatory support for patients who require mechanical ventilation at home or in hospital. It comprises of active & passive circuit for different volume (AC, CV, SIMV) & pressure (CPAP, S, S/T, T, PC, PC- SIMV) modes requirement.It is a portable ventilator decive with proven Bi PAP technology for patients suffering from respiratory failure, respiratory insufficiency or obstuctive sleep apnea.


  • Auto Trak alogrithm with AVAPS ventilation

  • Coloured screen with intuitive interface

  • Comes with all volume & pressure modes

  • Primary & Secondary settings for night & day ventilation

  • Offers complete set of patient & system alarms

  • Can be used for children(>5kg) & adults

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